Getting here was a trial in itself, and despite being considerably longer, the flight to Narita was much better. The flight to Atlanta was actually quite ridiculous… I had a two and three year old with their mother seated behind me. The two year old sat on her lap and kicked at my seat the whole one and a half hours. The three year old cried and shouted about wanting to get off the plane for about just as long. Never had such an uncomfortable flight. I just remember another flight with a crabby flight atendant who opened the flight by saying “Hope you have a safe OR comfortable flight.” I suppose I had the latter.
I sat next to a retired schoolteacher and a conspiracy theorist… who was also a retired schoolteacher. That was interesting. He got old really fast.
Getting to Atlanta was delayed, and instead of having lunch there I just had to run to my plane, which I barely made it on. For a while I thought it was just me and one other kid, Zane, which was terrifying. We were positive the rest of our group was going to be late to getting to Tokyo. The thought of being along in a foreign country was… well you can imagine.
The Narita airport I barely remember. I was so tired. I just remember customs making me really nervous for no particular reason. And forgetting my jacket on the plane and a flight attendant running in to get it for me. A blur.

I felt like all they were doing was shouting “American! American!” as we walked through.

The whole place was so beautiful and inspiring... and I was dying to draw through my whole walk around the place, but, interestingly, we weren’t allowed to draw. The police officers that patrolled the area would rush up to us and hurriedly tell us to stop drawing and put our sketchbooks away, despite photography being encouraged. I was told later that it’s a spiritual reason- apparently the act of drawing is seen as taking some of the spirit of the place away. It was interesting to see a culture in which the act of drawing is considered to have so much power.
At the end of a long forest path, we saw the dojo, but before we entered there was a small place to cleanse yourself.
The water was very cool and clear. You’re supposed to take the ladle in the right hand, and wash your left. Then switch, and do the same to your right. Lastly, taking it back in your right hand, you cup our left and ladle water into your hand to cleanse your mouth. I was a beautifully organized ritual.
I watched an old woman, bent over reverentially, run over to the cleansing area and vigorously and devoutly wash herself. He looked so passionate for being so small. When I made my way to the prayer area, I watched her as she bowed over the prayer tables. It was so beautiful…

That’s all for this post, I have to go out for my workshop on the third day. I’ll finish up the account for day two and three tonight, that is if my 24 hours of internet hasn’t run out. It’s 500 yen per day, so I’m trying to log in every other day or something affordable like that.
Crows!!!!!!!!! Sailor Phobos and Deimos!!!!!! EEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! ^_^ Oh, and Nat, I didn't know that you were into porn. For everyone's sake, I hope that you don't take a picture of yourself fresh out of the shower. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! Let's try and keep this site clean despite how cool the glass is. Or despite how hot it is. lol. The manhole was quite interesting. I thought you were going to post an animation on this blog. Oh well. The way you describe Japan is so cool!!!!!!! I want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the time difference, is it in the same day as here, or the next day?
Ah sounds so amazing Natalia!! I am trying to keep every fiber of my being from just being jealous..:(
I am glad you are enjoyign it over there so far and...that there haven't been...TOO many problems..O__O;
I am pulling an all-nighter over here in OH-boring-IO...>__<
And I've figured matter what I tell you I want from Japan it would be hard probably because you don't read Japanese...XD
But anything: clothes,magazines,purses,accessories,etc...I love it all...unique things are cool ....
Okay, while I give an awkward look at David over there, I am popping in to wonder if you're using the camera and if its working out for you?
Also I forgot that I had a blogger name. I like it. Hush you.
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